Climate Change

Well it’s time to address the subject that has pretty much taken a generation of children and adults to follow the religion of climate change.   Every day it’s the little media reports, evening news reports and comments and even elected officials in state of the union speeches that feeds this ideological religion .  Global Warming, Global Cooling. Global Climate Change its been changed to fit whatever sounds good at the time.

Man Made? Natural? At this point the average American will probably tell you climate change is because we drive to many SUV’s.

I am fine with science trying to explain the weather and temperature changes.  Science is the study of the unexplained into defined and or truths.  There is nothing wrong with the collection of data and theories.

I am even willing to consider Mankind has had some impact to minor changes in the environment.  I don’t think we impact it to the point where we need to completely go green or the government is needs to control our lives.

The common person listens to the media who in turn is told via government, universities and colleges that climate change is a result of human production.   This core theory is common place in elementary school to high school.   I find the first amendment of a FREE press is more and more becoming state run press on this subject.   Funny I never thought the first amendment would be so willingly given up to be a part of elitist crowd to push an agenda.

So if Man is creating climate change I wonder if the religion of environmental zealots will soon find themselves in government jobs and looking to run climate experiments.  With science can we control the weather since we are so determined to believe humans are causing the problems and following that concept, do we think humans are the cure?

For millions of years the earth has had many changes in weather, of which even with soil and ice samples we can see changes long before SUVS and humans.  Will these people feel like they will need to control the weather if they can’t control humans and what they do or buy.

Now I pose a few questions that I think we should consider.

  1.  If we give the power over our production based on possible theories without knowing the full effect humans have on the environment are we really willing to give up living in the modern world for half truths.    All energy and devices COME with a price economic and environmental.  Wind mills still have to be built; solar panels and batteries still need the energy to produce realistically clean energy and even then where will the broken and used up acid batteries go. Seems like oil and coal that come from the earth are more green then plastic.
  2. Will Green and Clean Energy be an option when it proves its worth in a free market?  I’m still waiting to see the to cost effectiveness of other nature resources.  Will the political and government agencies think force will bring about global harmony and all hurricanes will stop because we drive hybrids and in turn because we have been told this for decades now we have to accept it.
  3. Could most of the climate change really be from our SUN, and its solar storms and magnetic energies that affect the overall warmth and cooling periods on this planet where on the celestial cycle in the milky way galaxy?   Why can’t space dust and even earth CORE factor into being a source of climate change.  I find the human being seems to think in black and white when presented with a man in a suit or another concerned idiot selling the line; don’t you want clean water and clean air?  Sure let me know when clean water and clean air is provided in nature it’s even rare to find without humans having to filter it even if you have to boil it with FIRE!!  Then again that would create smoke and maybe even burn things and kill trees.
  4. If the price of gas was 79cents a gallon would we even consider alt energies?   While we are at it, why is gas so expensive considering most of it actually comes from here and Canada and yet the entire Middle East processing of oil was provided by the United States in the early 1900’s?   Not sure why the Arab nations via Opec are still in control of setting prices maybe governments should look into changes there first I’m still not sure why opening up drilling here is not an option.
  5. If climate change is built on SCIENCE, let me know when science has explained the perfect yet flawed systems of this earth.  Rain forests, deserts, droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earth quakes, sink holes. Mud slides, extreme cold, extreme hot, ice ages, extreme snow, extreme rain.  When you realize the wizard of OZ behind the curtain doesn’t know anything and is nothing more than just plain OZ, you realize you had the power all along to think for yourself.  There is no place like home Americans just need to WAKE UP.  Climate change is a place of fairy tales told by those who use fear and guilt to change a nation of thinking people to mindless zombies.






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