We are in Hell right now (liberty)


We are in hell right now gentlemen, believe me.

We can stay here and get the crap kicked out of us or we can fight our way back into the light.

Its long road, back to liberty my fellow Americans and it seems we only care when we start losing stuff.

You find out that life is just a game of inches.

In this nation, we have to fight for that inch.

In this nation, we tear ourselves and everyone around us to pieces for that inch.

We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch.

Patriots know when we add up all those inches that’s going to make the difference between LIVING and DYING, Freedom and Tyranny.

The elite and statist have been gathering its inches for some time, moving the chess pieces in place and people have accepted them as lost battles.  But, the principles of liberty are alive in the hearts of many Americans and those who have abandoned those principles have taken us down a path in where the inches are getting harder to win.

This nation is in pieces it has lost its way and the light that lady liberty shines in this nation is flickering out.   Freedom is only one generation from extinction.   We have to fight.  We must and we will.

I’ll tell you this, in any fight it is the guy who is willing to die will win that inch.  Are you a fighter or will you lay down and accept the chains of dependency and despotism?

And I know if I am going to have any life left in me, it is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch, because that is what LIVING is.

What is liberty?  To me it is the right to make my decisions, to be responsible to them, to live my life as I see fit.  To earn the fruits of my labor, to protect the rights of all men, and knowing government is only limited to bring about justice to those who had force used against them unjustly.  Government is not my provider; it is not my decider of my faith, my personal and economic life.   Government is only force when force is needed to defend the rights of said above.   Its military must be strong to defend these rights against foreign and domestic threats.  When government becomes the threat to the said rights it is the people who must fight, revolt and inform the people of the unjust laws and actions of government.


Now I can’t make you fight, I can’t make you find liberty in your mind and hearts but I can use my remaining rights to preserve them for all of us.

You gotta look at the guy next to you, and say what you will do without freedom.  What will you do when your health, wealth and life holds to a few in Washington who lie, cheat and steal from the American people.  Government is force and with force it has created the biggest corrupt society we are now living in.   With its laws and its diseases it creates touches all those who lay with it in businesses and banks, churches and the people who have given up on life.

I see a country of brave men and women in defiance of tyranny, I see them stand up in congress and demand freedom, to bring about those inches they will not go by the waste side of American apathy.

It’s time to turn off your TV, your reality shows and live in the reality the government has brought you too.

Now it has FORCED everyone to sign up for another corrupt government program with its corrupt business partners.   It’s time you get mad, and tell the government you’re not going to take it anymore.

As the government printing press bailouts out Washington and Wall Street, the people’s unemployment rises and price of goods will only continue to rise.  Only their diseased friends of corruption on Wall Street and the bankers gain from the expansion of government dollars.   Remember why you protested with TEA and remember why you protested with Occupy.  Have you forgotten who the enemy really is?  Remember why you protest the wars that never ended and the spending that never ends.  It was your voices that stopped the bombing of Syria.  Don’t demand more government solutions demand personal liberty.  Democrat’s and Republican’s need to remember the spirit of liberty is rising in the minds and hearts of free men and women and their days are numbered.  We will vote we will remove the diseases that have corrupted this nation.   We will remove their spying eyes over our lives, we will remove their hands touching at airports, we will stop their printing presses and we will become SELF RELIANT once again.

Do we have the courage look at the enemies there is a price we will not pay, there is a point beyond which they must not advance.  Who are they to treat us such?  Are we not their masters or are we slaves to big government.


If we don’t heal now, as a nation, we will die as individuals.  America is the individual’s protection of rights not a collective right, or a socialist right.  I have my life; I should live my life with the services FREE men create, of free will and free choices.   I am not for sale, the bill rights are not for sale, and the money I earn is not be to forced into with other people’s pockets.   We have the power to make this Nation free and beautiful again, we the people have the power to with all are rights granted by our creator to fight for those inches.

If you listen to them speak I hear them like cowards, for they give up so easily.  When I get knocked down I get up and keep moving FORWARD!   We are not moving forward we are moving toward the FAILED ideas of every dictator and evil places in the human history of this earth.    For they treat us as we are not worthy of our minds and lives, it’s humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted.   Why should they be trusted? Look at them and those who think like them in power.  They watch you, control you, use force and feel they live above the very laws they create.  If you go with their agenda you are rewarded as they are, exempt and even in some cases they steal from us to pay for themselves.  Their political media hacks defend their ideas to the masses in order to preserve their own purpose and usefulness to the system.


United we stand?  Or united we stand idle? I will no longer stand by idle it’s time we put aside our small differences and come together with liberty.  Liberals of who want government out of their personal lives make a stand, liberals who are now seeing the failures of government programs, the money to Wall Street, the money to their friends in Washington and the media.  TAKE a stand.   Government is not to be TRUSTED and on that concept along Americans can once again realize the less POWER they have we win the inches needed to preserve freedom for ourselves.   Libertarians embrace your fellow conservatives; with small government all fiscal and social issues can be resolved.  Conservatives, moderates, and independents you have but one choice, if you want any stable system you must first defend a new system of liberty.   A few in Washington will have only one choice and that is to OBEY the people, use our rights given while we still have them.

We are Americans those still holding on to parties are the enemies of freedom.

Americans defend freedom not parties.

For Liberty


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