A Patriot’s Duty


The fight for liberty vs. tyranny did not just appear over the last 4 years as many in the media would have us believe. For thousands of years mankind has been fighting to keep what they earn, live their own lives and try to live in peace from the evils of other people. When America was created mankind tried to protect our basic natural rights with individual rights and bind our government to a constitution. Those who ignore the constitution to erode your individual freedoms are the supporters of big government and are the evils that will undo this nation. It has been We the People who have amended the constitution to make sure all people of races and sex have been subject to the natural law and it was government with power who took it from them.

Within the last 100 years government has expanded. Men and Women have been elected who are corrupt and have a core belief that a centralized government power must run the world and our country. Where does this authority come from? I do not see it in the constitution, clearly not from our founding fathers. The closer to economic disaster we find ourselves, the closer to certain tyranny and turmoil our nation will go. People in government and those in the media have accepted government solutions, government actions, government social and economic programs. Government has become the force of the majority rule and tyranny will only soon follow if good men do nothing. Government’s only job is to protect our nation and defend individuals against other individuals who use force against others. Instead this government uses force to control the masses while people willingly accept tyranny as a solution to government defined economic fairness and morality.

Many who don’t understand the free market and those who want free markets, want managed government markets. Our current managed government sends our jobs faster overseas then actually keeping them here, and has a tax system punishing people who want to hire in the United States. We have high unemployment, yet continue bring in high tech jobs from other countries on HB1 visas. In free markets there is no tax money to bailout businesses and subsidize oil companies or green energy. In free markets we don’t have to worry about bailouts. With bailouts comes corruption and lobbying which create laws the only benefit those companies. Government does not run our cell phones, and yet droid and apple have given people products with much success. In a free nation you are taxed far less without the large amounts needed to fund centralized power hungry government trying to run our lives and markets. Risk is a part of capitalism and investment, but government has removed risk for the corruption of government power and government socialism. Do you think you will see a balanced budget but the time Obama’s term is over. Do you really think amesty to illegals with republican and democrat approvals will bring about secure borders and the basic concepts of immgration. Yet for security we need to keep and record everthing you say or do and we can’t secure who comes into this nation.

Government is to be limited. It must follow the constitution. Now Obamas the move into Syria is this another distraction or is the CIA creating another Bin Laden? Wars should never be easy and most of all, wars should never start because the president ordered it alone or with international approval. The people must vote via congress to go to war, fund the war and wars should be won. Wars on an ideology or wars for other nations are not American wars. Wars are to be won, quickly with no nation building, no mercy and your only goal is to defend ourselves and come home. Wars are not to change the people of other nations, regime change or put forced new governments in other countries by stealing and borrowing from the Federal Reserve or China. Wars and lives and blood and treasure are to protect our freedom, and that freedom is in the constitution. The only people who can take our freedom are our own government. With every dollar borrowed is another decrease in value and another higher cost to everyday products from inflation. The Defense of a nation is very important, but we should never lose sight of what we are defending. Wars are not a business resource, “national interests” or because other nations may disagree with our form of government or our way of life. This government is well on its way to tyranny and with Bush and Obama clones we have had enough people in Washington who seek power over our private lives, ignores our individual economic liberty and are hell bent on bankrupting the nation. Those who want tyranny, oppression, corruption, bankruptcy, dependency, votes, and more money to fund failed policies, waste hours and media time to convince people how we need this form of government. The media and government work together everyday to change your minds that all we need is a little more of your money, just a little more power to keep us safe, a few more pat downs at the airport.

This can’t be the America soldiers have died for where a President can lock you up forever and ship you to another country, with no trail, and can order you killed. They think a government that enrolls you from birth into a system of social security which is broke is liberty. While government says who can you marry, what you can eat, drink and smoke, what you say, what you watch on TV; soon what you say on the internet and soon a camera on every corner of every street. Those are the facts to what this government is and where it is going but people are actually defending this insanity and think this type of government is good government. The talk radio heads and media have sold their souls to big government long ago and they no longer defend liberty, and if and when they do it’s only for political gain and securing advertisements not for real changes. Freedom of press continues to be under attack as is the first and second amendment.

Any person who stands for liberty with good principles is a patriot and maybe that is what should be the new standard for political changes. For this simple reason alone to change government we need a movement and a revolution which never waivers on liberty, doesn’t change his/her position at the cost of our freedoms, and who holds these truths of limited government just as important. When liberty is under fire, men and women of brave hearts must fight to protect it and they must also inform themselves and others of the wrongs of government. Thank you Edward Snowden for revealing the truth to all Americans. A Patriot is a hated man and a brave man but those timid souls of free men and women will join you in a fight. Its only 200 years this nation was formed and for centuries Government has kept people controlled and in tryanny for most of history. Free people need good government and a truthful one. If government lies to its power, watches and controls them, where does that leave We The People.

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