Osama Bin Laden

Well I have a new theory on the killing of Osama..


Aside from the Seal Team 6 who raided Osama location in Pakistan I believe a few CIA agents were also present at the time of raid.

Some look alike idiot was killed that night on the raid and they had a body, matched the id to Osama if that actually happened it would have been planted by the CIA and this attack on the complex was staged.  This same body real or fake was was buried at sea?  No picture and of which I am sure are doctored and or some the first time he ACTUALLY died moths and or years ago.  Ok lets say I am wrong and we killed the REAL Osama that night then ponder this.

If Osama was already dead lets say from some other way, I find the timing of Obama’s birth cert release and the killing of Obama within days suspect.   Why because Team 6 members are dying left and right?  How and or why is just unbelievable.

Soldiers don’t question orders at this level they just do what they are told, and they did their job.  But I wonder if the stories told to the people and the actual time of events and actions worried some members of the team and they started asking questions.  After all they were told to be QUIET.

Also in 2011 one of seal died in a parachute training accident in Marana, Arizona.  Really?  Nobody also finds this odd and I think Americas are fed to distracted to see what is going on.     The person who signed obama birth cert died also.

Many members of the Navy Seal team 6 died in a helicopter accident, killed by insurgents they say.  No black box and it washed away in some flood they say.  To this day no investigation was been done and to some accounts one seal told his father he need to get his will together soon because he thought his life was in danger.

So I ask this question.

If the people who took actions a WHOLE team were part of a cover up and or details were leaked and or questions might come up years later what would this president do to cover up the biggest lie in American history.

But lets look at who else might die if we discuss the VA, IRS, fast and furious, Benghazi and the NSA.

Some already paid the price of Obama’s decisions.





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